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 ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please

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6 participants

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyJeu 6 Juil - 21:11

Some people seemed to be interested by a topic in english so I open one. People who don't speak english are not allowed here XD I joke, they can come but it will not be very funny for them.
Well even if your english is not perfect, the main idea is to understand each other. (Mine is not very good at all in fact)
Have fun!
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Mage - Membre mineur

Nombre de messages : 386
Age : 31
Localisation : L'Espace des Songes
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyJeu 6 Juil - 23:19

Yeah I can see that your english isn't perfect ^^
I found some mistakes in your message, but it's not bad! Not bad at all!

I'm from Canada so I speak english pretty well, but not perfectly either. Sometimes that makes me angry... for exemple, it's sure that I'm not gonna be admitted for the auditions of the Tara Duncan's movie! Grrr! But I'm not an actress, so anyway my chances would be bad. I'll try to do figuration ^^
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Nombre de messages : 356
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyVen 7 Juil - 0:07

Shit! I am very...very... very... not good in english...
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Mage - Membre mineur

Nombre de messages : 386
Age : 31
Localisation : L'Espace des Songes
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyVen 7 Juil - 1:42

It's ok!

But don't say bad words... Evil or Very Mad
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Nombre de messages : 307
Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyVen 7 Juil - 9:00

I am dol ! (dead of laught ^^)

sorry Wil I chered your expression ^^ (you don't know Wil but it's a friend I met in forums)

What do you want to talk about ? Why not... your interest ?
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Mage - Membre mineur

Nombre de messages : 386
Age : 31
Localisation : L'Espace des Songes
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyVen 7 Juil - 20:55

Everybody knows my interests!

And I know whos Wil is! ^^

So, everybody:

What's your favorite sport?
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Nombre de messages : 307
Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyVen 7 Juil - 21:19

Yes Nyra, you know because you're registered (?) in Cre'art ^^

And YOU speak English very well, a very ((fluide, j'ai oublié le terme ^^)) English, because you're a Québécoiiiiise ! XD

But... I believed you were in your ((chalet)), didn't you ??? Have you got Internet in this reculated country of North Pole ? XDDD
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Mage / Guérisseuse

Nombre de messages : 701
Localisation : Perdue dans les meandres de tes pensées
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyVen 7 Juil - 22:35

My favorite sport....Football lol
Seriously I like's fun!!
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Mage - Membre mineur

Nombre de messages : 386
Age : 31
Localisation : L'Espace des Songes
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptySam 8 Juil - 3:40

I'm not always at my cottage ^^ only the weekend! But, you're right, I don't have internet at this "reculated country of North Pole" ^^
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Nombre de messages : 307
Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptySam 8 Juil - 13:04

How do you say "fluide" in English ???? Pleeeeeease answer me ! ^^

Okey ! I love a looooot of things :

languages (I love speak with people from other countries Very Happy), Egypt (I want to begin egyptologist...), History, and I'd looove go aroud the world to visit London, Madrid, Le Caire, and many others interseting towns... and I have many others interests ! But I hate sport Mad please Anaé don't speak about football with me ! XD
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Mage - Membre mineur

Nombre de messages : 386
Age : 31
Localisation : L'Espace des Songes
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptySam 8 Juil - 19:08

Hum... I don't know how to say "fluide"... it's not a word that is used a lot in english!

I hate sports too, but some aren't that bad, like badminton or tennis.

So, Crys, will you visit Quebec if you have the chance? Razz Someday, I'd like to visit France!
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Nombre de messages : 307
Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptySam 8 Juil - 19:37

I think it's "fluidly" but I'm not sure...

Certainly not I won't visit Quebec ! XDD I (dec ? ^^) Of course I'd go if I could !
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( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyLun 10 Juil - 21:45

Northance a écrit:
Sometimes that makes me angry... for exemple, it's sure that I'm not gonna be admitted for the auditions of the Tara Duncan's movie! Grrr! But I'm not an actress, so anyway my chances would be bad. I'll try to do figuration ^^
The Tara Duncan movie will be in English!? Ooooh nooo! It's a shame! lol
I hope that the ((doublage)) will be good or I will kill somebody Mad lol
Well, I like writing, reading, pets, sleeping ^^ Well I don't like so much sport...
As you live in Quebec you're probably very good in english. It may be cool if you could ((corriger)) our mistakes in our messages.
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Nombre de messages : 264
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyMar 11 Juil - 9:21

Same things as Oldörin ^^ ( for the interests )
My english is not very good so I won't say much XD, but for the Tara Duncan Movie, it was impossible to make it in French ( for the special effects, they need a biiiiiigggg budget, so I must be a American Producent.... Sad )
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Sorcière - Membre mineur

Nombre de messages : 591
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyMar 11 Juil - 9:25

Well, hello everybody !
My favorite sport is .... surfing in the Internet ! and sleeping of course ! why do you see ma like that ? ((I'm no sure de la good grammaire de this sentence ><))
Okok... My favorite sport is karate ^^

To Tara Duncan it's quite simply a scandal ! Why will be movieit in English ? I will to sulk...

[fluide = fluid ^^ ]
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Mage - Membre mineur

Nombre de messages : 386
Age : 31
Localisation : L'Espace des Songes
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyMar 11 Juil - 17:24

Limstella> I think "fluid" means "liquide" in english, not "fluide".

Oldorin> Yes, I live in Quebec, but I'm not a lot better than you in english... So I don't think it'll be a good idea that I correct your mistakes, because maybe I'd be wrong.

But I think that making the Tara Duncan's movie in english isn't a bad idea; american movies are GENERALLY more viewed and known than french ones, so it'll make publicity for SAM. And the movie will be better to watch, with all the special effects etc. etc...
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Nombre de messages : 307
Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyMar 11 Juil - 20:59

[Je suis plus ! ] and I don't know how to say rthis syntaxe (?) in English ^^

What are you talking about ? Shocked Suspect
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( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyMar 11 Juil - 21:15

We are talking about the film inspired by Tara Duncan, you know, the famous book that everybody (or nearly I think) know on this "forum"!! ^^

Special effects are probably better in American productions, it's true... Well, I hope it will be good! Can SAM have an eye on the movie during its creation? Or do they make it as they want?
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Mage - Membre mineur

Nombre de messages : 386
Age : 31
Localisation : L'Espace des Songes
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2006

( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please   ( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please EmptyMer 12 Juil - 16:11

I'm pretty sure that she'll keep an eye on it.

Actually I'm re-reading the trilogy of Tara Duncan to be ready for the 4th!
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( HJ : HS et Flood ) In English please
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